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The College In Europe Strategy 

The College in Europe Strategy is Campus Europe's signature program.

It was created because we don't believe in simply selling you a College in Europe dream
and letting you figure it all out
on your own while hoping for the best.
We want to make your College in Europe experience a resounding success.

And we know this requires more than just help identifying which program(s) you want to apply to.
Because in order to take advantage of all the amazing benefits of attending college in Europe,
we know you need a solid plan and strong support.
And that's where we stand out.

We have identified six crucial building blocks to making College in Europe a success:


Our comprehensive database covers all  English-taught programs
at European universities.




We help you find your home away from home, with all the insights and knowledge only locals can dream off.


College applications in Europe are straightforward. We make them easy for Americans by bridging the language and culture gap.


We offer pre-departure cultural training tailored to your destination and targeted language instruction.


Our expertise and experience help you secure your student visa so bureaucracy doesn't derail your plans.


Our "Adulting in a Foreign Country"  course is designed to help make you feel like a local in your new city.

We understand that different families have different needs and different budgets.
That's why the College in Europe Strategy is available in different iterations that represent different support levels:

The Concierge Package:
   Our done-for-you (concierge)  package

 The Premium Package:
   Our done-with-you package

- The Essential Package:
   Our do-it-yourself package


If needed, we can also create an à la carte package where you get to select the specific services
and support level you need.

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"Sophie responded very quickly to my inquiry.   
She listened, asked questions and offered both an assessment of the big picture and a detailed plan of how to move forward.
I would highly recommend her if you are struggling with the process of school abroad and need an expert on your side."

Julie S.

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